I was looking for the graduation date after finishing the 2nd semester 2013/2014 insyaALLAH,
now I'm in the 1st semester of 2013/2014,
but my friend said " lambat lagi laa dia bagitahu"
"oh yeay?"
what I just found is this lovely awesome great nice dates ever!! can't wait lol
Final exams for 2nd sem 2013/2014. |
--------------------------Click HERE for more details----------------------------
28th oh May, 2014.
ALHAMDULILLAH, dah sampai pun tarikh tuu,
dah takde apa-apa pun sebenarnya nak pikir pasal benda ni lagi....
mengharap sesuatu pada masanya, bila telah berlalu sesuatu tu, rasa macam dah takde ape2 dah, dah lepas, faham ke? hehe