Saturday, November 23, 2013

Tetap sabar menanti

I was looking for the graduation date after finishing the 2nd semester 2013/2014 insyaALLAH, 
now I'm in the 1st semester of 2013/2014,
but my friend said " lambat lagi laa dia bagitahu"
"oh yeay?" 
what I just found is this lovely awesome great nice dates ever!! can't wait lol
Final exams for 2nd sem 2013/2014.


--------------------------Click HERE for more details----------------------------

28th oh May, 2014.

ALHAMDULILLAH, dah sampai pun tarikh tuu, 
dah takde apa-apa pun sebenarnya nak pikir pasal benda ni lagi....
mengharap sesuatu pada masanya, bila telah berlalu sesuatu tu, rasa macam dah takde ape2 dah, dah lepas, faham ke? hehe

Friday, November 15, 2013

Apabila orang memuji

Assalam, biasenya kalo orang puji , macam-macam reaksi ada.

--Ada yang poyo.
--Ada yang senyap je atau tukar topik, dalam hati "haza min fadhli Robbi" ini sume dari Tuhan, bukan dari aku. 
--Ada yang cakap thnx, ALHAMDULILLAH, saranghea?, chuwwa!, haha..

THEN,  pujian itu racun! Jangan sampai timbul ta'jub pada diri sendiri.
 Cakap " haza min fadhli Robbi " (ini adalah kurnia/kebaikan dari Tuhanku), kena selalu ingat ni.
 ALHAMDULILLAH. (segala puji hanya bagi ALLAH)

Mari kita menyentap

-Maka tatkala Sulaiman melihat singgasana itu terletak di hadapannya, iapun berkata:

 "Ini termasuk kurnia Tuhanku untuk mencoba aku apakah aku bersyukur atau mengingkari (akan nikmat-Nya)

Dan barangsiapa yang bersyukur maka sesungguhnya dia bersyukur untuk (kebaikan) dirinya sendiri dan barangsiapa yang ingkar, maka sesungguhnya Tuhanku Maha Kaya lagi Maha Mulia." 

an-Naml :40

Thursday, November 7, 2013

ayam bakor شيش طاووق

hehe assalamualaikum..

Hari ini kitaorang mentekedarah dekat Mat'am Tadammur, مطعم تدمر,  شارع جامعة, اربد .

harga 2.25 JOD satu wajibah/hidangan.


Ketulan ayam dicucuk batang besi dan di bakor. 
Bawang bakor rentung, tomato bakar, lemon, 
makan dengan roti, 
hirisan bawang, sedikit rempah, 
dan daun sup kot.
cicah cili blend.

sememangnye bab makan memang sangat menarik untuk diteROKAi. kerana itu suapan untuk perot kau.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Apa yang kau nak, kau dapat

sory ayat kasaq sikit. nak bagi tegas sikit, kasar ke? hehe.

kau nak ape? pandai? coklat? aiskrim? pandai mengampu? :P ape2 je la yang hang nak,
tapi xde la aku pertikai ape yg kau nk kan, herm, moga apa yg kau nak tu kekal abadi kesannye.

syukur / kufur. pilih



Kelembutan juga yang menarik hati2 untuk mendekati,

manakala kekasaran, kekerasan hanya menjauhkan hati, malah menyakitkan .

hati <3 nbsp="">

Apa beza?

Apa beza seseorang yang sekecil-kecil kesedaran tentang hidup, dan dia berusaha 
orang yang bercakap tentang hukum ALLAH padahal dia takde ilmu pun tentang perkara tu,
dan dia tak sedar apa yang dia tengah cakap tu..

huhu.... takotnye !
kalau tak tahu benda tu, baik diam je, tak pun pegi  cari jawapan sebelom berkata.

*perbezaan takde kaitan


Pada suatu ketika, Rasulullah bertanya kepada para sahabat, “Siapakah yang paling luar biasa imannya?”
Para sahabat menjawab, “Malaikat, ya Rasulallah.”
Balas Rasulullah, “Sudah tentulah malaikat luar biasa imannya, kerana mereka sentiasa di sisi Allah.”
Seketika terdiam para sahabat, dan menjawab lagi, “Para nabi, ya Rasulallah.”
Rasulullah berkata, “Para nabi sudah tentu hebat imannya, kerana mereka menerima wahyu daripada Allah.”
Para sahabat mencuba lagi, “Kalau begitu, kamilah yang paling beriman.”
Jawab Rasulullah, “Aku berada di tengah-tengah kalian, sudah tentulah kalian orang yang paling beriman.”
Lalu, salah seorang daripada sahabat berkata, “Kalau begitu, Allah dan Rasul-Nya sahajalah yang mengetahui.”
Maka dengan nada perlahan, Rasulullah berkata, “Mereka adalah umat yang hidup selepas aku. Mereka membaca al-Quran dan beriman dengan isinya. Orang yang beriman denganku dan pernah bertemu denganku, adalah orang yang bahagia. Namun orang yang tujuh kali lebih bahagia adalah mereka yang tidak pernah bertemu aku tetapi beriman denganku.”
Rasulullah diam seketika. Kemudian, beliau menyambung dengan suara yang lirih, “Sesungguhnya, aku rindukan mereka….”
Sollu ‘alan nabi..

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

pening kepala

Hipertensi.[Rasa sakit di bahagian belakang kepala
letak kain yang dibasahkan samaada dengan ais 
 berehat atau kurang bercakap saja sudah sembuh.

Monday, November 4, 2013


speculation = مضاربات 

*Speculation is the practice of engaging in risky financial transactions in an attempt to profit from short or medium term fluctuations in the market value of a tradable good such as a financial instrument, rather than attempting to profit from the underlying financial attributes embodied in the instrument such as capital gains, interest, or dividends. Many speculators pay little attention to the fundamental value of a security and instead focus purely on price movements. Speculation can in principle involve any tradable good or financial instrument. Speculators are particularly common in the markets for stocksbondscommodity futurescurrenciesfine artcollectiblesreal estate, and derivatives.

(1) price changes, (2) quick profits, (3) high risk

-According to Kamus Dewan, speculation can be defined as the act of buying and selling something (shares and others) with the anticipation of making a big profit but at great risk. 
-Meanwhile, Kamus Ekonomi defines speculation as the taking of risks by investors or businessmen in the hope of making profits through financial or business trades. Speculators usually buy securities for capital gains and not for dividens. For example, an investor buys shares when prices are low and sells them when prices are high. 
-The Dictionary of Business Terms defines speculation as the "purchase of any property or securities with the expectation of obtaining a quick profit as a result of price change, possibly without adequate research. Compare with gambling, which is based on random chance; contrast with investment."

شراء الأسهام وبيعها عند طلب ويحصل على الربح بفروق الأسعار,

-In ISLAM, syarie'aa

Many proponents of speculation adhere to the view that there is indeed a value-added process going on here. Three common arguments are as follows.

Firstly, because of the volume of speculative transactions in the major markets, let us use the market for foreign exchange as an example, end-users requiring foreign currency will find a liquid market in which to transact. Were no speculative operators to exist, then an end-user might come to the market looking to exchange one currency for another but find no counterparty willing to trade in a reasonable size.

Secondly, the difference between the price at which the end-user may sell or buy a foreign currency, the bid-offer spread, becomes very narrow due to the competition between speculative participants in the market. The tightness of this bid-offer spread effectively reduces transaction costs.

Thirdly, as speculators trade out profitable opportunities, the market price tends towards 'efficiency'. Whilst it is possible that benefits are derived from liquidity and low transaction costs, the chief beneficiary often seems to be the speculator himself. For this agent, the need for speedy execution of trades in large size and at short notice is paramount. Agents in the real economy place less sanctity upon such features. The quip is that a consumer buys a banana in order to eat it, not to sell it at a higher price later. More seriously, one might ask whether is it quite so vital to the functioning of the real economy that a foreign exchange deal should take less than one minute to conclude. Would a viable business project, that has taken several months to plan, be cancelled because the necessary foreign currency trade can only be completed at one week's notice?

-فروق الأسعار -price difference;price change
-مخاطر        -risks
-استثمار حقيقي (  )
-استثمار المالي (  )
- داخل وخارج, ضرر للأشخاص والدولة 

ARGHH!!  Tadi dalam kelas budak2 arab memekak !! nak rehat jap.
